
心 shin

たしなみ教室 /// 心を磨きシンプルな自分に戻りましょう



※ 花・茶・書・立ち居振る舞い・食べ方・禅から学ぶ体に良い食事等





In a Tashinami classroom

① These sessions aim at conveying age old Japanese traditions hand down through generations of upbringing. The concepts of thoughtfulness for fellow man, manners and etiquette make up the basis of these sessions.

② We strive to highlight the importance of leading a simple but fruitful life, exploring one’s full potential.

③ It is here that we ask the master practitioners of the various forms of Zen, Such as tea ceremony (Sado), martial arts and Ikebana (flower arrangement) to provide their insight.
The simpleness of Zen is extended to our daily lives, especially to the activity of cleaning.

Incorporating Zen into our daily lives does not mean adherence to the arts but rather adhering to the simpleness of life.

釈講師initiates us into the manners of the wonderful Buddha studied in severe practice of Zen unsparingly. There are also still no ancient times and it is the manners of the universal heart required for presents.

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